Friday 25 June 2010

Never Let Me Go Hunting for Trailers

Just a quick one for you all today. Quick, but utterly worth the two minutes it'll take you to watch. Ladies and gentlemen of the class of 2010, I give you the trailer for the hugely promising adaptation of Kazuo Ishiguro's deceptively speculative powerhouse of a novel, Never Let Me Go.

Bit of a spoiler here, so avert your eyes if you don't want to know it is about this apparently unassuming film that makes it of interest to genre fans...

Carey Mulligan? Andrew Garfield? Keira Knightley? They're all clones, people. Clones.

Never Let Me Go is a hell of a book, people. And with a cast like that, a screenplay by Alex Garland based on the highest caliber source material I can imagine, and Mark Romanek of One Hour Photo in the big chair, this is one to watch.

In fact, I'm going to call it right now. If audiences can get past the sci-fi angle, or indeed if the producers are smart enough to squirrel it away during the publicity blitz that'll precede the release of Never Let Me Go, it'll be this year's Atonement, easily, and a shoe-in for Best Picture contention at next year's Academy Awards.

If you haven't already, read the book while you still can! It really is all that.

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