Tuesday 8 June 2010

Win a Signed Proof of Nights of Villjamur!

One of the perks of blogging about books is that from time to time you get sent books to blog about. Funny that, huh? If you follow The BoSS - every Sunday (same bat-time, same bat-place) - you'll know that once you get off the ground, they start coming thick and fast, these books. They come before they hit store shelves, mostly; the better to get coverage up in a timely enough fashion to drive interest and potential sales when it really counts.

Sometimes you'll get a final copy, occasionally a bound manuscript, and from time to time a loose sheaf of printed pages will pop through your letterbox. More often than not, though, what reviewers get are proofs: ARCs - which is to say advance reading copies. Only a few proofs are printed in most cases, so they're strictly limited, and I for one prize all those in my care. I've a couple from years and years back, from when I wrote for a whole other resource, that are worth an absolute fortune. Enough to pay my mortgage for a few months, I suspect - not that I'd ever sell my pretties. So. Proofs are awesome, agreed?

Want one?

Better yet, want a signed proof copy of Mark Charan Newton's Nights of Villjamur? Like this one?

Well, you're in luck. I've one of the very things here, desperate for a lucky reader to go gaga over. But you're going to have to work for it this time. Send an email to thespeculativescotsman [at] googlemail [dot] com with your name, address and your answer to the following question:

"One of the most remarkable things about Nights of Villjamur is its titular setting, a fantastic Mecca of a place rife with corruption, crime and culture. In City of Ruin, however, much of the action takes place in another city on the Boreal Archipelago. What is that city called?"

Doesn't matter where in the world you are, you can enter this competition. I'll be accepting entries from today through Friday, when I'll announce the winner, picked at random from an electronic sorting hat. The only thing that I'm going to insist on is that you put "Nights of Villjamur Giveaway" in the subject header of your email. Multiple entries will, of course, disqualify you. So long as you don't try to game the system you'll be grand.

Well? What are you waiting for? Go go go!


  1. A nice prize. Are you sure you don't want to keep it?

  2. WOW, what a prize.
    I'll be entering!
